Elephants are known to be environmental blessings. Their paths through the forest growth give clearance to smaller animals.(2) Their efforts to collect leaves from the top of trees can leave large scatterings that feed many other animals, insects, and even create new forest topsoil.(2) Even their manure is extremely beneficial,(6) and many of their activities are believed to create forest plant life, not just in quantity but also in quality, diversifying the biological species in the area in which they reside.(3) Elephants are one special species of innovators.
Conversely, researchers report that losing already endangered elephants in central and west Africa could cause the world’s second largest rainforest to lose between 6-9% of carbon capture, increasing global warming.(1) This also could cause a cataclysmic loss of a variety of plant species in the Congo.(5) Nowadays, when we think of innovators, we think of disruptors. The modern concept of disruption is based on the book, the Innovator’s Dilemma. This concept of disruption is to change processes in a way that ends the necessity for prior competition, creating new industries where others are made futile.(7) However, innovation has two faces, much like mother nature. One is to disrupt in a wildfire of destruction with many prior-existing businesses becoming extinct in the wake. The other, more-reserved and less-often seen face is one that nourishes, nurtures and sustains proliferation and growth in established and establishing businesses of all sizes. Omni Micro Systems (OMS) is not your typical disrupter. In fact, as an Elephant in IT, OMS is an innovator without the destructive quality. OMS empowers small businesses to achieve more than they ever imagined. OMS paves the way for small-, medium- and even larger-sized businesses, through the OMS FacilAssist program. The FacilAssist program supports business growth, enables business development, and educates those within and outside of businesses to grow in effective, long-lasting ways. OMS also promotes new business ecosystems with innovative technologies and processes. OMS creates integrated systems and applications that don’t destroy the niche to which they have been received. By supplying a groundbreaking foundational curriculum to Healthcare IT, OMS offered priceless and yet cost-free flexible training to Healthcare Professionals of all types. By creating a survey of the current HIT development state in the GCC, OMS demonstrated exciting technological developments and breakthroughs, needs and gaps as well as opportunity for growth in the healthcare IT sector of the Gulf Region. OMS is committed to the environment and belongs to and is in the process of joining many exciting, existing green initiatives. Every OMS venture is by nature IT- and not paper-based, improving workflow, solving inefficiencies, and offering underappreciated, never-before-seen green ideas. As a cutting-edge, globally-reaching but locally-based, women- and minority-owned business, those at OMS know from personal experience to value the individual and all that a unique entity can give to a community. The goal of OMS is to inspire innovation to infinity, which includes improving our local economies and communities. Elephants are not predatory. It isn’t in their nature.(2) But no rational person would be reckless enough to threaten an elephant. They are cunning, creative, and don’t mind crushing whatever might threaten them. They are social creatures, who have even been observed to have contagious yawning from human-to-elephant or elephant-to-elephant, likewise seen in other well-known social animals such as dogs and, naturally, humans.(4) Like elephants, OMS is strong and benevolent. Yet, OMS, like elephants, protect those in need. Likewise, OMS will defend the little guys in the big business world, by enabling them in all ways. OMS is women-led, following in the same vein as matriarchal elephants,(8) leading the way with strength, compassion, intelligence, determination, and creativity. The first five scheduled consultations brought in from this blog will receive a stuffed elephant, in order to further promote a healthy, diverse working business ecosystem. Let us all innovate together. We at Omni Micro Systems Inc. strive to encourage fellow business owners, IT influencers and innovators to act like elephants in the business ecosystem. Come and join the elephant brigade! Hashtags#Elephantworklife #ecosystems #RoomToRoam #SupportSmallBusinesses #Sustainability #beabosselephant References